My new Kwik Sew 3389 suit


i've got more progress pics of the work in the middle, as well as notes on things i changed in the pattern. but for now, here it is, done and weathered.

in the foreground is my old skygunbro suit, and the background is the new one:


another color comparison:

the suit in a more natural evening light:

hanging up with the vest on over it:

and while i'm thinking of it, here's a swatch of the "pearl grey" up next to it:
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i had an idea. if the suit was made of a kahki colored twill, then dyed pearl grey, does anyone think it would come out just about the right color tan/grey?
i had an idea. if the suit was made of a kahki colored twill, then dyed pearl grey, does anyone think it would come out just about the right color tan/grey?

i suspect my box of dye might have been a bit funky, since it really shouldn't have been blue. i haven't had enough experience with the stuff to make any guesses.

i'm hoping tonight to suit up and see how it all looks together with the new jumpsuit.
I had my suit made out of white, cotton duckcloth or twill... not sure which. As for the dye I used the RIT Pearl Gray AND a mix of RIT tan. The ROTJ suit has a slight tannish color in the gray IMO. If anything I think I need to re-dye my suit as it seems to have faded a bit over the years.

Yes, the ROTJ suit looks grey-tan-ish to the naked eye, even in person all the times I've seen it at Magic of Myth. BUT!!!!.....look at all the high resolution quality pics that Braks took of the suit at M.O.M. and in so many of the pics you can see it appears to be a light blue (ala ESB) that they somehow weathered down a light grey on top of it. You can really see much blue in the ROTJ suit in those pics, depending on which part of the suit the picture was taken of. I just looked at my Boba Fett Reference CD before typing this. That ROTJ suit was a definate mix of grey-tan AND blue!
those original pics crack me up with the fett suit and a sewing machine in the background.

display of his other hobbies.

suit looks terrific. Will be cool to see after you put everything on and have full weathering done

Just to toss it out there -
Hancock Fabrics is going out of business. I picked up the Kwik Sew 3389 pattern for less than $3. The pickins' are slim, so you may not find what you're looking for. I had an X-wing pilot in mind when I picked up the pattern. Found some nice orange material. If I'd had fett on the brain, I'd have looked for some Boba/Jango material as well.
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