Making Some Shin Tools


Jr Hunter
I have been looking through some threads and decided to take the plunge make my own set of shin tools. I found Wizard of Flight’s pattern extremely helpful, but I wanted to add my look to them. I bought a sheet of .125 abs plastic and traced out some patterns. I glued three layers of plastic together for the squeegee to give it the correct thickness. I then added some strips of particle wood for the inner strips. For the paint pattern on the front and back, I cut the pattern design out and glue them on. I just finished filling and sanding the cracks and minor flaws. I was pretty surprise how nice and clean the abs plastic worked for this. For the knife, I painstakingly cut out the handle holes using a Dremel. It took me about 4 hours carefully cutting each hole out (never again)J. The stick tool was the easiest since I found some wooden dowels that I cut to match. I am still deciding whether to sculpt a design for the top of it. Now going on for the third week I am almost done. They look pretty ugly unpainted right now, but trust me they will look a lot nicer once I give it that fresh coat of paint. I am hoping to have them finished by next week. I am very happy the way they are coming out. I will post more photos of progress as I go.

I plan on casting some sets if there is any interest.

Shin Tool1.jpgShin Tools-1.jpgShin Tools-2.jpgShin Tools-4.jpgShin Tools-3.jpgShin Tools-5.jpg

Shin Tools-4.jpg

Shin Tools-3.jpg

Shin Tools-5.jpg

Shin Tools-2.jpg

Shin Tools-1.jpg

Shin Tool1.jpg
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Thanks guys for your positive feedback.

Here are some pics of the tools with a coat of primer. Sorry for the crummy photos. I need to buy a new camera.

those are fantastic! great work brother! :cheers

question about the tool second from the left in the first 2 pics...isnt that supposed to be black electrical tape holding the "pipes" to that tool instead of a "housing", if you will, for those pipes? are you planning on just wrapping the tape around that area? :) dont get me wrong, kind of like the idea of that being solid there to hold those pieces in, just a question of accuracy, for those of junkies that would notice that...:thumbsup: ;)
those are fantastic! great work brother! :cheers

question about the tool second from the left in the first 2 pics...isnt that supposed to be black electrical tape holding the "pipes" to that tool instead of a "housing", if you will, for those pipes? are you planning on just wrapping the tape around that area? :) dont get me wrong, kind of like the idea of that being solid there to hold those pieces in, just a question of accuracy, for those of junkies that would notice that...:thumbsup: ;)

I liked the idea of a housing for the pipes so I went that route. I am going to make another one but accurate to the film. Then compare the two and decide which looks the best.

I am leaning towards the accurate version with tape holding the pipes.
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Just finished up the shin tool with the pipes. I casted the pipes separate from the tool so they are not one piece. I had to do some touch up work here and there. Now they need a coat of silver and some details painted on. Overall I am very happy the way they came out.

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