Make your own Boba Fett ROTJ ankle spats

Rich D

Active Hunter
Here's a quick tutorial for making some ROTJ-style ankle spats. The Mrs. just got a new sewing machine for her birthday, so I decided to test it out with this project. this is super-basic, but I'm throwing it out there in case someone needs it.

This pattern is symmetrical. After I did this experiment, I noticed in one of the exhibit reference images (that I saw TK409's site) that the inner strap is longer than the outer one, and wraps around the back of the heel. I need to adjust my pattern to reflect this.

Edit: Added an asymmetrical pattern.


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Part 1

Anyway, I started by sketching a pattern, then cleaning it up with a french curve. I traced the pattern onto a cardboard box, so I'd have a template of the whole piece.



Part 2

I bought a bunch of cheap fabric to mess around with. I traced around the template (four pieces for two spats), and then cut roughly around the pieces.

Next, I pinned two pieces together, then cut more closely around the line, probably 3/8".

I stitched along the outer/bottom edge of the piece, as shown in the pics.



Part 3

With the outer edge done, it's time to iron the top part to make it easier to stitch; then flip it inside out (or outside out). Iron the whole thing flat at that point, and maybe pin it shut.

After that, run a stitch along the entire outer edge.



Part 4

attaching velcro. As you look at the this thing from the top, the velcro goes on top on the right, and beneath on the left.

Anyway, hope folks find this useful.




Nice tutorial. I might give it a shot sometime if I can find the correct ROTJ material and color. :)
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Here's a quick tutorial for making some ROTJ-style ankle spats. The Mrs. just got a new sewing machine for her birthday, so I decided to test it out with this project. this is super-basic, but I'm throwing it out there in case someone needs it.

This pattern is symmetrical. After I did this experiment, I noticed in one of the exhibit reference images (that I saw TK409's site) that the inner strap is longer than the outer one, and wraps around the back of the heel. I need to adjust my pattern to reflect this.

Edit: Added an asymmetrical pattern.

You make it look easy, thanks
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I used these templates for my spats, and it saved me a lot of time and effort. Even if you don't know how to sew, these are a peice of cake! Thanks Dookie!
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