JP and back plate issues.

Looking for some advice guys.

I've got a fibreglass Bobamaker back piece, and when I'm wearing my JP harness (aluminium tubing) the back plate wont meet the collar plate at the shoulder. If I had to move the collar plate up it would A. Choke me, and B. Leave a huge gap between the collar and chest pieces.

Are there any alternatives to the way the JP is carried/secured?
Sounds like the collar may be too short? Or the parts of the back plate that go over the shoulder are short? The back and collar on Boba are supposed to overlap.
Cheers guys. I'll get some photos taken and posted up over the weekend. There's no way the back piece is long enough to overlap. I think I'll need to use another type of harness. :(
Sounds like your harness may be too high. You have a natural curve in your spine. If the harness is too high, it gets too far above the curve and pushed the back plate out. Remember, your harness does not need to be cinched up tight. Most important is that the hook straps are properly adjusted. My back plate if fettpride V3


I also seem to remember a member here who had an issue with their back plate and a harness... they used a Wickedbeard backplate and it didn't accomodate the harness. I don't know if this would happen with a Bobamaker backplate though.
I also seem to remember a member here who had an issue with their back plate and a harness... they used a Wickedbeard backplate and it didn't accomodate the harness. I don't know if this would happen with a Bobamaker backplate though.

Ha! That was me! :) That's when I switched to the fettpride V3 back plate. But like I said above, the shoulder strap of the harness should not be tight. Placement is important. The bottom of my BBF Harness sits just above my belts. And again, you really want to ensure the upper hook straps are properly adjusted. The uppers straps should have enough tension on them to hold the JP against the back plate without lifting the lower hooks off the crossbar.
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