im new to this, can you help?

there's always this one!!


it's only 60.00 on! lol

seriously though, your best bet is using the search function, reading the posted thread above, and checking every single day in the cargo hold with your fingers crossed and a nice sized bank account.

I've put about 1800.00 in mine now, and its pretty much done. But I know a LOT of people who have spend A LOT more than that to do theirs (using metal parts and BM armors and such). Some have done it for a lot less with different quality of parts (making the armor themselves out of trash cans)

I've picked a pretty good balance, using high quality for some parts, and making my own smaller parts to save $$ where I can. But its taken me about a year to finish it. So if you can imagine, its VERY rare for someone to sell their armor they spent so much effort working on. When it does happen, its usually for 2500+ dollars. And its usually kinda sad :(

Be very careful with eBay too, cause a lot of the stuff sold there is kinda lower quality than what you can find around here with some effort.
very well put, wolfie...i couldnt agree more with the idea of taking your time and piecing it together with balance in the areas you want to spend more compared to areas you can save some by doing it yourself...i wouldnt sell what i have got done and am waiting on for less than 2500 and its not even done yet....:lol: take your time bro, piece it together, and you will get more out it in the long run...
Yep I started with a budget of $3000.00.......And like all movies....I am at about $3600.00. But I also have painted my own stuff which can save you hundreds if not a thousand $$$$. But TDH is a wonderful supply of information with tons of DIY tutorials and helpful members. If you live near a TDH'er with a Fett see if they will let you come over and see just how complex a Fett is. Correct me if I'm wrong guys but my SE Fett consists of 19 main parts. But 6 of those consist of smaller but needed parts. The gauntlets alone have about 14 different parts. Thats also no including decals. All of this is in the thread Stormtrooperguy posted. But all that aside welcome to the boards and TDH.
Hey this type of post seems very familiar...where have I seen this before??? LOL. But seriously, this isn't just something you can pick up and decide to do on a whim. It takes planning, MONEY, and time...lots of time and paitence. If you want something quick and cheap Boba or Jango is not the way to go.
I was originally planning on doing a suit under 1,, I wish!!!! More like 2,000 plus once everything is said and done. My advice from someone who originally wanted to do a cheap Boba...look around here and compare to what best fits for you. I got really cheap armor off ebay...after many hours of fustrating work I salvaged some of the armor. So better to pay more and save your self MAJOR STRESS!!! Hope that help you out there and hope it works out for you! Cheers!!
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