hey im new to all this and i need input


New Hunter
well i've been checking TDH for about two weeks now and trying to learn things so its easier when i jumped in... i saw the trash can armor and tried it, it looked great, i'm working on the backplate but i have a few question on other parts. Sry i forgot to mention im a boba fett costume maker and and its my first one, and im really excited because the helmet and EE-33 carbine look good. but here are my questions...

Like the vest, what is it made of because it'll be cheaper for me to make it.

The gauntlets and jet pack are a larger problem, is there a good template to go off of if using sintra?

and lastly, whats the best way to make a ROTJ cape?

any input is extremely appreciated
hey there Fett friend!! welcome aboard!! kind of a newb myself, but getting the hang of this as time rolls on...your access to info here is the most impressive resource you can find...people are willing to help out, give advice, empathize with you....one thing i would like to add if you are going to do all this yourself, make sure if you are married the wife understands the time committment!! :lol: anyways, at the top of each forum, you will see sticky threads, these have templates, tutorials, reference pics, and everything you may need...dont hesitate to call on people and ask how they did something...i have some scratch built items that i would be willing to help out with as well...as far as the jet pack, gauntlets, and the back plate, you are going to really have to be patient on these items, and really do your research on how to scratchbuild them...i did my research on doing these items myself, and in the end you are not that far behind financially to just go ahead and buy them from someone who has the molds here...and i stress HERE! the quality is the best here, the people doing the work here are the best at this...but you can do it, and TDH members will lend the hand when you need it...:thumbsup:
hey there Fett friend!! welcome aboard!! kind of a newb myself, but getting the hang of this as time rolls on...your access to info here is the most impressive resource you can find...people are willing to help out, give advice, empathize with you....one thing i would like to add if you are going to do all this yourself, make sure if you are married the wife understands the time committment!! :lol: anyways, at the top of each forum, you will see sticky threads, these have templates, tutorials, reference pics, and everything you may need...dont hesitate to call on people and ask how they did something...i have some scratch built items that i would be willing to help out with as well...as far as the jet pack, gauntlets, and the back plate, you are going to really have to be patient on these items, and really do your research on how to scratchbuild them...i did my research on doing these items myself, and in the end you are not that far behind financially to just go ahead and buy them from someone who has the molds here...and i stress HERE! the quality is the best here, the people doing the work here are the best at this...but you can do it, and TDH members will lend the hand when you need it...:thumbsup:

What the D man said! :thumbsup:
Welcome aboard...
+1! Being a noob myself I have never been on or in a cooler more informative, laid back and DRAMA FREE forum environment. This is the best forum I've been a part of and hope to be for a long time...

I'm working on an ESB Fett but have researched and had help with all versions so feel free man...everyone here is cool for sure!
ya, you will find your nitch, so to speak, of those that you become more familar with and tend to look for for help...hang on to those individuals, they will be your connerstone and foundation for all your fett needs...cheer to all that have helped me in this monstrosity!! :lol:cheers mojo, mandalore, jango72, bountyone, gcngamer, BOOMER!, lostson, sidewinder, ruffkin, bobamaker, GBH, asok, sixxgun, mlc, lucksy, dougie, taco, ladysewforus, madmartigan, tksdad, russ, studiofett, tk1455, volkerc, saintnasty...and anyone else that i didnt mention that lent a hand...the list goes on and on...we are here for bud, and i hope i can help in any way i can...TDH FOREVER!!:thumbsup:
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