It has Begun! 9135's ESB build...


Jr Hunter
Boba has been one costume I never thought I would do. The paint is harder than anything I have ever tried to tackle, the build is expensive, the wear of it is foreign to me... among other things...

But here I go. 2 Face costumes... First Vader now Boba. Both ESB, so it should be impressive together.
My Vader. These will be a blast to troop in at the same time.


All I have left is the boots, shin tools and toe-spikes. I may spend some coin on braids, but I may just make them myself as well.

Here is the parts list so far. I like things accurate and made to wear.

1.Helmet Fett Pride limited with all aluminum ears and stalk
2. Neck seal Ladysew4us
3. Vest Ladysew4us
4. Armor Fett Pride
5. Jumpsuit Ladysew4us
6. Girth belts Fett Pride (used)
7. Ammo belts BooBoo Fett
8. Belt pouches Ladysew4us
9. Jet Pack Man of War Studios
10. Jet Pack harness Home Made
11. Knee armor Fett Pride (Rubber)
12. Shin tools ???
14. Boots MOW
15a. Blaster ESB Side arm Mojo Fett
15b. Blaster ESB Resin... Man I want a new one.
16. Gloves Galactic Bounty Hunter
17. ESB sidearm holster Fett Pride
18. Cape Woodman
19. Chest display ???
20. Gauntlets Fett Pride
21. Toe Spikes ???
22. Wookie Braids Woodman
23. T-visor Fett Pride
24. Gauntlet Darts Russ Rep
25. Stickers ???
26. Pack lighting ???

I want to publicly thank Fettpride. Making this happen has been so easy, and your advice has been outstanding on this endevor. :thumbsup: This is by far the coolest deal I have ever made in costuming. A True Win Win situation.
You are one of the most honest I have ever ran across in this obsession I call a hobby. Your work speaks volumes.

So now... I wait on boxes to start arriving. Then on to paint, build and wear. Whoo Hoo!
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I'm in a good place as well brother :) It has been a pleasure to work with you too, thank you

I did just realize though, that I put the wrong accessories for your gauntlets on the table when I took the pic. I forgot you were going ESB :lol:
Not to worry though. Parts have just been swapped for the correct "ESB" versions (Flame Thrower instead of Laser housing, and ESB Whip Chord Housing) :thumbsup:


Coolio! I am still learning the lingo. ill get up to speed. :wacko

My belt as seen from the other thread Booboo Fett started.

I have boxes in route... The mail man is set to be good to me!

Weather is getting nice here as well.. I see lots of paint in my future...
Boba maker makes shin tools. In fact, he made the shin tools for the suit TDH put together for Jeremy Bulloch. So there's an option.

He also makes toe spikes. However, he makes his out of resin. Some people prefer to make theirs out of aluminum. Another one of those "realistic feel" factors.

And for boots, I'm sorry to say that you missed a very big run of boots by a member here. Jango_Wes. But you can get boots from evolution props. People have very mixed opinions on the quality of their boots and also their salesmanship, so read up before you make a purchase.

Boba Fett Costume and Prop Maker Community

There are pics if you scroll down that link. Don't be fooled by the color of the boots. When you get them, they will be pale and practically colorless like seen in the pics. But you can paint them to look very nice and screen accurate for little money at all with this tutorial:

Boots - CA BOOTS/ Weathering

I hope this helps!
you are here too - thought you said you'd never go Fett :D
surprise surprise its a ESB version ;P

nice stuff you got assembled already, all the quality stuff as usual.
for all your metal upgrade needs and a quality ESB side armo - drop a note to Mojo-Fett and tell him Heat sent yer ;P hes a cool guy and does quality work as well.

for what its worth, I may ahve a set of brand new evo boots - cant remember the size, UK 9 or 10 I think. drop me an email and I can get you some pics if you need mate

lmk if I can help in any way mate

YEa.. Like a bad penny.. keep popping up everywhere huh?

Everything in my life I said I would "never" do I have. Like clockwork. I am getting excited though.. Just sold off my soft costume, and Fett replaces it.

PM sent man.
The first boxes are landing... First the belt, then my neckseal.


My first box of Fett parts...

Man this stuff is cool. Pics soon!
Today I got THE box. I have to say a little on this, as it strikes me.

I have ordered and received lots of parts, lots of costumes and lots of stuff Star Wars related. Todays box blew me away. This box contained the Fett Pride armor, helmet and parts pieces to finish my costume.
Simply amazing. From the packing, the craftsmanship, the care very obvious from this end I salute you FP.

I will be taking pictures soon, but really, this is hands down among the top costume makers around. Fett is a complex build, parts intensive and quality depending. Fett pride nails it. Kudos.

Ill get back to building and not gushing.. but I just had to say that.
Heading to Japan? Wow.. Cool man.. Let me know, I am the GML here. We have a growing bunch in Oki and that is cool man!

No.. Blasters in Japan are good to go as long as they are not metal. The base, I assume you are heading to Kadina... Is cool as long as you are not pointing and brandishing. Pretty straight forward. Cant do School events with a baster.
A fine start here! Also for parts you could see Bobby Fett UK & Mojo-Fett for a harness. Theye also has make shin tools in the past. Bobby Fett UK & Mojo-Fett can also make aluminium parts (Beacon and Stab) to mount on your jetpack. Will look god cos you can mount your LED inside it give it the effect.

You doing alot of work by yourself considering it your first time doing a Fett.

Good luck with your progress. Always great to see these builds!
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