Gauging interest in chest lights

Hey bud, dont forget about me. I need some of your LED magic for my new kick butt display!!!! :) When ever your ready I got your paypal waiting. ;)
OK, here's an update:

1) Parts are in! I actually received them late last week, and have begun "production". I'm hoping to have the first few ready to go out in the next day or two.

2) I'd rather not post the list of buyers, but will say (as to the requesting member) your lights will be probably another week. One reason for not posting the list is member privacy (mine and buyers) ... the other is that my list needs to be cleaned up (I haven't deleted "interested" members names, just marked the ones that paid). :(

As mentioned before, I'll try to get the lights shipped out by order of payment ... so those who sent money in early won't have to wait much longer. :)


Just wanted to touch base with y'all and give one more update for the week. I work (12-hr days) the next few days, so I'll be on here very little, if at all.

Here's a taste of the troubles that have popped up:

1) Everyone knows about the delay in shipping; problem is now resolved, and all parts are on-hand.

2) The rectangular LEDs have too wide a lip around the base. Not a problem ... just means I have to clip this piece of each of them (and there are 20 on EACH set of lights).

3) The software I use to program my micros (MPLAB) is saying my programmer needs a newer version of firmware. I've used it only once this year, but it worked fine then. I haven't changed anything, so I'm not sure what's causing this firmware upgrade request. Until I correct this problem, I can't burn the micros that run the lights. :( But as with all other problems, it's just a matter of time ... it'll get fixed.

So, as it stands right now, I have 9 sets of lights ready to go (short of programming the micros). I also have 3 more sets nearly done (stopped to work on the programmer).

So, does anyone have much experience with MPLAB? :)

I've contacted Microchip, and hope to have an answer by Monday (which is my next day to work on these). As soon as I can get the burner working, I'll have a handful of lights to ship out.


Sorry to hear about all of the issues (but still waiting patiently).

I had to use a chip burner for burning firmware ROMs at my last job. I forget the software we used, but it was this old, DOS based thing that became increasingly hit-or-miss on newer computers (running XP). Even when it worked it was a pain to use.

At any rate, thanks for keeping us updated on the situation!
Latest update:

Bad news:

1) Still can't get the programmer working on my computer, and haven't heard ANYTHING back from Microchip.

2) I only had one confirmed class I could take this semester (that would transfer), and it was dropped due to lack of interest. This puts me ANOTHER semester behind schedule to graduate ...

Good news:

1) I built the kids a computer a few months back, and the programmer works FINE on it. :) So I now have enough micros burned for most of the circuits (more then I have assembled at this point).

2) The fact that I won't be taking that class frees up a little more time for me, so I should be able to get caught up in the near future.

3) I have about 10 - 12 sets of lights that should be ready to ship tomorrow. PLEASE do not e-mail or PM me asking if yours is going out; I am shipping them in order of payments received, and will contact each member when I ship his lights (so you'll know when to look for them as soon as I send it).

Thanks for all your patience, the end is near. ;)

Thanks for the ... um, thanks guys. ;)

Well, the first batch went out today. I've PM'ed everyone who should keep an eye out for them (next couple of days). I have 6 more sets almost done; if I don't get them done in time today, they will be shipping Tuesday (Monday's a holiday).

Thanks again,

Pauly, I believe you're name is coming up in the next batch. :) As for how long you have to wait, I plan to ship some out on Tuesday, and the next batch after that will probably be early the following week (sooner if possible). Not sure how long shipping overseas takes though ...

Hey Shackman,

Got my lights today. They are awesome. Thanks for everything. They look great. I do not have my armor yet (BM is making it for me) so the lights will have to wait to be installed, but it's great to just sit there and watch it go!!
Hi Shackman, thanks for the response!

I'm guessing delivery will take about a week, I'm currently in the same position as Mdoug18217 - no armour yet, but I plan to make my own!! (Yikes!)

Couldn't take the chance of missing the boat on your lights though!!!

Cheers mate, will keep you updated when I take delivery!

Nope, not long now. :)

Update: I sent out 5 more sets today, and have 6 more ALMOST ready to go ... just wasn't able to get them ready by close of business at the PO. So, there will be another batch ready to go early next week. For those that shipped out today, you've got PM! ;)

I've been asked a couple of times about the "list", and as mentioend before, prefer not to give out names. But for anyone on the fence about buying a set ... maybe you were waiting until they were moving out?, here is a number: Of the people on my "interest" list, I had 22 people back-out (not that there's anything wrong with that, as there was no commitment). So if you're interested in a set, I have a few left. ;) Of course, for anyone looking to get a set in the near future, I'd prefer to build them while I'm doing this run; once I stop making them, setting aside the time to do it is a chore in itself.

Thanks again, and more info when I have it!

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