ESB Sidearm Blaster Blueprints


Well-Known Hunter

I haven't on in a while but I wanted to give you a peek at what I have coming down the pike. I was going towait untill I had a proto type built, but I have bee swamped with other issues, so I figured that I better post these sooner rather than later.

These are only a draft, but they are pretty close. The barrel drawing is based off of Bradlyfett's which he has given me permission to use. I have designed the barrel to made from Al tubing so that there is no machining needed just a hacksaw and a file.

Take a look and let me know what you think.




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I used what little there was plus a member here sent me a pic of the Marmit sidearm, plus Bradyfett's barrel drawings. I have no idea how close it is to the actual prop, but it is the best I can do with what is available.

I have been holding back on doing this prop hoping that some new reference pics would surface, I finially gave up. I have always noticed that the best reference material shows up after I post a blueprint or template.

As I understand it the MLC was also based on the Marmit sidearm as well. I did try not to look at the MLC version when I was doing these and just base the drawings directly off the Marmit piece.

Wow...the timing on this is fortuitous. I need a blaster, was thinking of building one of these, then, voila. The resident genius posts schematics.

Not to sound like too much of a nooB idio, but what were people planning to make these from?

I'm sorta thinking of cutting the grip/body portion out of wood, using some pvc for the barrel housing/upper receiver, then metal rod for inner barrel. But that might not be the best way. Can't wait to see what people come up with.
I am working on a set of full size printable templates on 11" X 17" paper. It will show how to cut and layer the different pieces.

I was thinking MDF would work very well for this one, it shapes nice and it's cheap. The barrel can be made of AL tubing that can be bought at Homedepot etc. so all you would have to do is cut the various barrel pieces and slide them together add some JB weld and you have a full up AL barrel assy. for the muzzle I found a knob at radio Shack that looks great.

The first post has been updated with the full size finished teplates (the PDF file in the attachemts section).

They need to be printed on 11" X 17" paper.


You need a website with ALL of your drawings.:lol:
(Unless you have one already.)

Amazing stuff you put out!
I believe there is this exact speargun for sale on ebay right now. The bid starts at 200.00. I just typed nemrod speargun into the search bar and it is the only thing that pops up. least this got trolled up for the fact it should be a sticky anyway

EDIT: there appears to already be a sticky with separate links to each of these. so..useless troll
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