Esb fett


Active Hunter
Hi guys just a wee peek at my fett..have all parts bar sidearm holster on its way soon so just want to know what you guys think of the lid it's a GMH...not sure of the overall size any thoughts?hope to get a full fitting soonthe other lid is my bobamaker..all esb paint up by rs props..













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Looks good so far. The only two things I can see that would needed fixed are your hanging belt pouches are the wrong color, they should match your flighsuit. The other is the metal tube in your main blaster looks to be set in too far, it should be sticking out more. Other than that :thumbsup: Looking good
Cheers man...yeh the flash tubeing comes out further not yet set the length...those are the pouches rob/rs props sent me I commissioned him to build my fett!
Well, those pouches should be the blue of the flight suit, so I'd get on the phone to him. To me the shoulder studs look a tiny bit low, maybe raise them up about an inch? I may be wrong. Also, I don't know what you have on the way, but you're missing:

Collar studs, gloves, cape, gauntlets, shin tools and the wookie scalps.

Helmet looks sweet mate! How is your jetpack looking? :)
Looks good so far. The only two things I can see that would needed fixed are your hanging belt pouches are the wrong color, they should match your flighsuit. The other is the metal tube in your main blaster looks to be set in too far, it should be sticking out more. Other than that :thumbsup: Looking good

They should also be mirrors of eachother not the same pouch on both sides...
Hi guys just a wee peek at my fett..have all parts bar sidearm holster on its way soon so just want to know what you guys think of the lid it's a GMH...not sure of the overall size any thoughts?hope to get a full fitting soonthe other lid is my bobamaker..all esb paint up by rs props..
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