eBay Sellers To Avoid

thank you, i also agree and would like to say its nice to hear from you again.
could you email me with problems you found as im just finishing the new moulds and would like your input.

as for the passing of info...i may just clear this up myself and completly pull out of the dented helmet for this one reason...anyone can post anything..true or false.
im not arguing that he may not have liked them, its the situation and the claims hes making on how it was dealt with but most of all....the insult to my wife which in my veiw was very low, i also have personnal reasons for taking offence at what he said,i was more than willing at the beggining to sort this out, well now hes added more to it, claiming ive been harrassing him with emails, he brought it to the board and even people who have never dealt with me are slamming, i just felt it was my opnion that if he could bring this to the board( which was also a threat in his emails) then i would have to answer it on the board.
i apologise to all dented helmet members who feel this should not be allowed, as for the mods maybe they want to see sjy prove what hes saying or me proven wrong......youve got to admit though, this thread is better than watching neighbours on tv lol.
I second what the user OrtharRirth above said.. time to lock this thread before anyones pride is hurt for real...

and what people must realise is that in a conflict BOTH sides are RIGHT!! :angry

It all depends on the point of view..
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Well, several mistings are required. If the first coating is applied and a spot becomes wet...it melts. I know of one person who had a set and they melted entirely from paint, and another that had a spot melt. If you like, I can PM you so it is not in open forum about the set I saw and the complaints about the fragility.

Your curiosity about my involvement makes you sound defensive. I have entered strings where I see gang ups, or TDHers getting ripped off. Remember the notorious "SFP jumpsuit run" pie? I said that a person could have an option (plan B) if they were finding themselves without a suit for Halloween 2004...especially since they probably bought gauntlets from you, a MLC jet pack, a mystery helmet (I heard those are recasts), aluminum darts (maybe from me) and the othet $1,000 worth of stuff...and then they have no jumpsuit. I got slammed by the people on the list...then they, inversely slammed the guy who started the list since they had no suit for Halloween...then a 2nd list happened before C3, and I said people need a plan B for this... and several of the suits arrived in the wrong size and were lavender. Moderators were smacking me down for my blunt observations. I keep it real.

I find it odd that they are washing their hands of this. I have received PMs from friends saying a mod was in this string for 30 minutes and did not step in...oh well.

There is just a lot of slamming in here. It makes us look a lot less like fans...but more like egotistical jerks and greedy. Ruffkin, nothing personal...it is more of TDH general thing.

Oh well. After newbie-dom...obsession.


Ruffkintoy said:
This is the first I have ever heard this, I don't know how styrene would melt if you didn't apply paint the right way. I really don't understand this. As far as being fragile how so? I have only had one person let me know of a problem with a shell ripping.

I'm also not understanding this comment, who besides you is saying anything about LFL here or who makes the best parts. I am not saying mine are better than F-N-S, I was saying they look very, very similar to mine and I would like to compare mine to his to see if the are recasts. That's it, like I said if they are not cast from mine I will apologize.

You also seem anxious for the Mods to lock this thread down, I am curious as to why since it really doesn't have anything to do with you.
since the mods havnt closed this listing and sjy hasnt yet replied i would like to clear up another issue brought up by wasp
he said

Jep, bought my Jango's from him to when he was still selling under the name of "frank-n-son" only (i wouldn't be suprised that it was shut down due to the many negative responses from buyers, so his know since a couple of month as frank-n-son 2 (what ingenious creativity!)).

i would like to point out to everyone that frank-n-son and frank-n-son-part2
are both legitimate sellers on ebay and both are trading happily still on ebay,if in dought feel free to visit ebay and see that neither have changed their names,also check feedback if you want,i used the name frank-n-son-part2 because that way it could easily be asscociated with frank-n-son to which we have nothing to hide.i originally started selling through a freinds ebay as i wasnt on the net at the time,i will not mention his name until i have contacted him and got permission from him but you will again see that there is nothing to hide.

i have contacted wasp and had a freindly conversation with him and he cleared up any points he felt needed explaining and posted them earlier on this thread so i have cleared this last one up.
BigaboyFett said:
Lots of slamming in open forum and no mods are present...odd. I bet this string would be soooo moderated if everyone was slamming SFP or Anton.

Yes there is lots of slamming in open forum, including you slamming the moderators multiple times in this very thread. How about doing what someone else did today and bringing this thread to the attention of the mods? I do not visit the Boba forums and so I was not watching this. And sometimes we actually may not see things, or may not be around when things are happening. We do have lives outside of TDH that sometimes need our attention. Your comments are disrespectul and violate the COC " Respect must be extended to each and every member, the administrative staff included." I have warned you on many occasions about the comments that you make and thinking before you speak. Let's hope that a week of vacation makes you think a little more before saying something on open forum. And I think I have more than proven that slamming anyone is not acceptable on TDH.

As for everyone else. If I am not mistaken, a similar thread like this was started in the Sarlacc pit where y'all wanted to make a list of good sellers and I informed you that that was not a good idea and was going to cause problems. Well as you can see, that is exactly what has happened. I am locking this thread and expect no further discussion of this matter on open forum. Either keep it confined to pm's or take it up with ebay.

darth nut has also received a warning about his comments that were disprepectful to the moderators.
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