DPR's Jet Pack Progress Pics


Well-Known Hunter
Here's some pics of DreadPirateRoberts' Jet Pack so far. It's just in the initial stages, but progress pics will follow...



All of the major colors have been applied. Just have to do the black striping at the top of the fuel tanks and the lettering, then I'm ready to start the weathering...and the forecast is severe...he he he. ;)

Well, I've finished the body of the JetPack. Added the stripes and letters at the top of the fuel tanks as well as the rest of the silver scratches. I then gave her a dusting with grey primer to kind of blend everything and give it that 'not so fresh look'. All that's left now is weathering the Jet Nozzles and the Rocket. I'll post pics of the completed and assembled (for photo purposes only, Frank) Jet Pack later this evening.

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