Budget Fett Jumpsuit Mod - 30 day countdown

They are being test assembled this week-end. I am sending back the big suit and they were cool and agreed to send the replacement out Wednesday. I ordered 2 sizes smaller and short inseam. Any extra can be tailored by Mrs. Sale - my wife truly hates this. Only 28 more days...

Geo wrote:

Interested in pouche and pockets.


Must get drawings done... Must get drawings done...
hehe Your wife is gonna LOVE you so much, John. :lol: My girlfriend has already gone past that, "aww that's cute you are doing what you love" phase, and is currently speeding into the, "is that more important to you than me?" phase. :lol:

I can't wait to see the pics, man. Post'em as soon as you can! :)
You gonna put the seams on the front of the sleeves?, I actually pulled the stitching out from the arms and turned it so it would be facing in front, did the same thing with the shirt. since you dont see the seams of the sleeves at the shoulders I figured it wouldnt hurt if my sewing sucked.
You are a helpful Fett. I will instruct the matron unit to do a sleeve rotational to have them look like they were made by a retard. I guess, having the sleeves not rotated would be a sign of my own Fett Fan Retardation! I will scold her...Bad wife, bad wife, don't you know the sleeves are upside down?? What about the tripple Hem???!!! Huh?! Geez, now I am wrong! That cost $1, 375.00 to make this costume...all down the tubes, and for what? A wife that does not know how to sew a Fett Suit right! Thanks Cal, I will let her have it when I get home.

Later man! (oh, thanks for the tip. tee hee)

cal196 wrote:

You gonna put the seams on the front of the sleeves?, I actually pulled the stitching out from the arms and turned it so it would be facing in front, did the same thing with the shirt. since you dont see the seams of the sleeves at the shoulders I figured it wouldnt hurt if my sewing sucked.
lol, if you leave that off that is the first thing someone will notice. You will have an awesome suit and some nerd that isnt even in a costume will say "Its not screen accurate, look at the sleeves".

And if i can do it I know you can, but then agian I'm 80% done with my suit, and am just going over things, you may not have time for that.
Since I'm just getting started and didn't have any plans for Oct 31st I wasn't worried about trying to order a suit from SFP. I thought about going the route mentioned here in the thread. This is NOT a slam towards SFP or anyone who worked on/bought from that thread. I'm looking for options while starting my kit and this seems reasonable [insert idiot newb comments now]. So, has anyone got pics of their mods to the jumpsuits?

Mine came out pretty good. If you want a very accurate one, SFP is the way to go...however they are not fast, they sometimes screw up orders, and they are expensive. The main flaw to this one is you need someone to do a lot of mods. If it is your wife, expect her eyes to roll way back in her head...like mine. I will post pics as soon as I can.

kalarcana wrote:

Since I'm just getting started and didn't have any plans for Oct 31st I wasn't worried about trying to order a suit from SFP. I thought about going the route mentioned here in the thread. This is NOT a slam towards SFP or anyone who worked on/bought from that thread. I'm looking for options while starting my kit and this seems reasonable [insert idiot newb comments now]. So, has anyone got pics of their mods to the jumpsuits?

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