Brand of original Boba Fett suit - stil not found?


Hi there!

Hope this isn't something that has been discussed over and over, anyway I didn't find a thread dealing with this.

What I know is, that many people use Dickies Coveralls or military flightsuits (customized), there are also custom suits like the one from Boba Maker. It is said that the original suit was a racing suit or a flightsuit. Now I don't think that it was a racing suit cause these suits were padded and not just plain cotton. It COULD be a suit mechanics used as a working coverall. Also, there is no information if the original suit was used as it was or if the costume guys customized a suit.

Now after watching ANH again, I see so many rebel troopers wearing these grey coveralls which look very similar to a Boba suit, so the Boba Suit could be a left over coverall from ANH (or the same model in new condition). If this is the case - they had many people doing rebel troopers so they had to buy a lot of these coverall.

Now what's in interest? - Anyone is still on the race to find an accurate one? What's the latest information on it or is buying a fan made one the best way these days?

This thing annoys me so much because it's just a simple cotton coverall :facepalm
According to one website the original suit was manufactured by Bermans & Nathans, London. How accurate that is I don't know, but it suggests its a custom, Bermans are a costume manufacturer, they made costumes for Superman and Indy according to Google.
To my understanding, Bermans & Nathans sometimes contracted other supplier making costume for them. For example, the leather jacket from Indiana Jones trilogy did not made by B&N, but was labeled with B&N's tag. So it is possible that the flightsuit was bought from other company and sent to B&N for alteration.

Best regards,

PS. This is my very first post at "The Dented Helmet".
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