BobaFettish's Accurate Vest Material


Well-Known Hunter
Since the demand is high for accurate vest material AND we now have a member who has basically perfected the vest pattern, I will take pre-paid orders for the material. This thread will serve as the official sign-up list, so don't PM me with you order.

The cut-off to submit payment to me will be Sunday, April 30th. On Monday, May 1st, I will place the order. Based on past orders, I should have the material within a week. I will make a post when it arrives. It will take me a few days to measure and cut it, but I will mail out orders daily in the order payment was received.

Here are my recommendations as how much material to order. For an average-sized person, 2.5 yards is sufficient to make one vest with enough left over to make a neckseal (it is my opinion that the neckseal is made of the same material, except the opposite side of it). If you are a really big Fett, 3 yards wouldn't be a bad idea (better too much than too little).

Cost: $16.00 (US) per yard, the same as the last three runs which includes shipping one of these heavy rolls and covers my PayPal fees.

Shipping: $6.30 will get you USPS Priority Mail delivery (for up to 3 yards) along with a tracking number. Add an extra $1.30 if you want it insured. For those of you outside of the U.S., I will ship it via Air Mail for the same cost. If you are buying more than 3 yards, add $1.00 for every extra yard (example: 5 yards would be $8.30, $9.60 if you wanted it insured).

Payment options: via or money order via snail mail. PM me for my mailing address. Be sure to include both your TDH screen name and real name along with your complete mailing address in the note section.

If you have never made a vest before, I would HIGHLY recommend not using this fabric to test your skills. Buy some cheap cloth, work out the kinks, and then use this stuff when you are pleased with the results. From what I have seen (and can personally attest to), batninja is the man to see about making your vest. I can ship your material directly to him and save you from having to reship it to him yourself. If you want your fabric shipped to him, MAKE SURE YOU TELL ME or I will mail it to you.

Any questions? Post them here as someone else is probably wondering the same thing.

1. ivansith1 - 2.5 yards - paid 4/12 (shipped to batninja)
2. pennywise - 3 yards - paid 4/12 (shipped to batninja)
3. tk7602 - 3 yards - paid 4/13 (shipped to batninja)
4. LionsPride - 2.5 yards - paid 4/13 (shipped to batninja)
5. DL44 Blaster - 2.5 yards - paid 4/15/06 (shipped to batninja)
6. stonerook - 3 yards - paid 4/17/06 (shipped to batninja)
7. Ripcode - 3 yards - paid 4/18/06 (shipped to batninja)
8. KidAkira - 3 yards - paid 4/19/06 RECEIVED
9. Redgek - 2.5 yards - paid 4/20/06 (shipped to batninja)
10. darthvedder321 - 2.5 yards - paid 4/25/06 (shipped to batninja)
11. Takemetoyourfett - 3 yards - paid 4/25/06 (shipped to batninja)
12. lonerthx - 2.5 yards - paid 4/26/04 (shipped to batninja)
13. kbrosseau - 1.5 yards - paid 4/27/06 (shipped to batninja)
14. john.django - 3 yards - paid 4/27/06 (shipped to batninja)
15. BOBA PHAT - 2.5 yards - paid 4/27/06 (shipped to batninja)
16. crazy4BobaFett - 20 yards - paid 4/27/06 RECEIVED
17. MacRory - 3 yards - paid 4/28/06 (shipped to batninja)
18. Galactic Bounty Hunter - 2.5 yards - paid 4/28/06 (shipped to batninja)
19. CMANavy - 3 yards - paid 4/28/09 - (shipped to batninja)
20. Indy Solo - 3 yards - paid 4/29/06 RECEIVED (shipped 1/2 to batninja)
21. cookiemongoloid - 2.5 yards - paid 4/29/06 RECEIVED
22. matrix - 2.5 yards - paid 4/29/06 RECEIVED
23. Evan4218 - 1 yard - paid 4/29/06 (batninja will be shipping to TK409)
24. Gonzo Fett - 2.5 yards - paid 4/29/06 (shipped to batninja)
25. team fett - 3 yards - paid 4/30/06 RECEIVED
26. SaxeCoburg - 2.5 yards - paid 4/30/06 - (shipped to batninja)
27. Vida - 2.5 yards - paid 4/30/06 RECEIVED
28. BobaFettish - 2 yards - paid 4/30/06 (shipped to batninja)
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Here is a simplied breakdown of how much to send:

2.5 yards including S&H = $46.30 ($47.60 if you want it insured)

3 yards including S&H = $54.30 ($55.60 if you want it insured)

Anything over those amounts just add $17.00 per yard (which includes the additional shipping).
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Save 2.5 yards for me please. I will work out payment by 9:00 pm Eastern.
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Payment sent for 2.5 yards. Thanks Now to track down the guy who puts them together. Batninja I believe is his name.
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I thought it was the same for both ESb and ROTJ

I'm in for 5 yards... I'll paypal next week (when I get paid!):lol:
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arkkien said:
Just to clarify, this is the stuff for the ROTJ vests right? Not the ESB?

SaxeCoburg said:
I thought it was the same for both ESb and ROTJ

I am wondering the same thing. From what I have seen, it appears like the material is different, like the ESB doesn't have that "shine" to it...but as I said, I am not sure, at all. I would REALLY appreciate it if someone clarified this for me.
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Payment sent for 3 yds. via Paypal, please PM me that you got the cash when you get around to it. Thanks!:thumbsup:
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I have one of these VESTS,,,,
If I were you Guys...I would be all over this.!! This Material is COMPLETELY ACCURATE..:thumbsup:

I'll see about posting pics..

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As BobaFettish mentioned, I would be happy to sew these vests once the material comes in. I'm charging $50 per vest, shipping included back to you. I will also include enough material for a neckseal or two. I only accept PayPal.

I apologize, but at this time, I do not produce neckseals. See TK409 for his outstanding neckseals. I highly recommend them!

I offer these vests in three basic sizes: M (38-40), L (42-44), and XL (46-48 ). In other words, if you wear a Large T-shirt, then a Large vest should fit you fine. I’m using 1 ½” Velcro for the closure, so there is plenty of ‘wiggle’ room for individual size adjustment.

The liner is made of a standard bottom-weight fabric, usually white or grey, depending on whatever I have available. The sleeves are quilted with 3/4" stitch lines, and the front side of the vest is padded.

I do not add strap-holes or Velcro to the vest, as many people have different preferred attachment methods. These alterations can be done by most any local seamstress or alterations shop. There is, however, an open section at the bottom of the vest (in the back) for your lower jet pack attachment point.

For more info, pictures and testimonials, see this thread:

PM me for ordering and PayPal information!

I will start a Sewing Services sign-up once BF starts accepting orders.
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I have a problem. I asked to be saved 2 1/2 yards, but will you? I cant pay until this weekend. Will all this be Preordered by then?

Batninja; You are going to make my vest.:) Are youl going to buy a bunch of fabric to make vests and have enough left so I can get a vest from you and pay for at least the fabric by this weekend?

Arrgghhh! I hate being broke. Someone let me know supply statis please. I want to make sure I dont miss this oppertunity.:thumbsup:
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arkkien said:
Just to clarify, this is the stuff for the ROTJ vests right? Not the ESB?

There are no super hi-res photos of the ESB suit (that I have seen anyway) in which you can magnify the image to prove that the RotJ and ESB vests aren't the same material. Tackletwill is shiner on one side than the other. It could be possible that the ESB vest was the duller side, the same as the neckseal. I cannot say yes or no for sure. But here is why I think that both films used the same material; the jumpsuit. There are pics floating around that show that the RotJ jumpsuit was blue, but faded to the soft gray we see now, likely that of either the pre-pro suit or possibly one of the ESB suits.

If anyone can dispell this, please post the pics.


::Edit:: By the way, these are extremely magnified pics of the fabrics for the purpose of comparing the fiber pattern and details.
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kbrosseau said:
I have a problem. I asked to be saved 2 1/2 yards, but will you? I cant pay until this weekend. Will all this be Preordered by then?

The cut-off is in two and half weeks (April 30th). I am not limited as to how much I can buy, just how much I can pay for.
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Any ESB'rs out there buy this vest? If so, post pics. I want to see. (Or just anyone who own's the vest material, pics would be appreciated)
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I'm in, put me down for 2.5 yards, ear-mark it for me and ship it to Batninja when the time comes.
Sending paypal now for 46.30

Bat, when he says the shipment is in, is ready to ship, and you start your list I will paypal you at that time to build me the vest, thanks bro

Thanks a ton for providing this Chris and Batninja
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