boba fett specials edition


New Hunter
I was curious because I have read somewhere, I don't remember if it was here. that for the special re-edited edition of the star wars trilogy. Boba Fett's armor had both RoTJ armor paint scheme (jump suit and grieves) with the ESB helmet paint scheme in the scene with Jabba the Hutt and Han in the hanger in ANH. I was wondering if that was true or not?
In the ANH SE Boba Fett wears the ROTJ Hero helmet,while the suit is mixed with ROTJ Hero and Stunt parts (the shoulder bells are switched because the bantha skull is on the right shoulder) along with the Promo #2 cod plate, back belt and Jetpack. In ROTJ SE he wears the ESB Hero helmet and the suit is a differently mixed ROTJ Hero and Stunt parts, with the damaged ROTJ Jetpack, and also some Pre-Pro #2 parts, most exactly the left knee and the right gauntlet (modified to the ROTJ needs ==> the whipcord casing).
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