Anyone interested in Right Gauntlet Darts?


Active Hunter
Interest in Right Gauntlet Darts?

I just machined a Right Gauntlet Dart Master out of Aluminum,
after I mold it would anyone be interested in copies?

I'll post pictures as soon as I can.
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hm, just for info, what would you charge for a set?

because I just asked around in school if people had Parker pens they didnt use, you know, the clicking ones, and their inner parts look quit alot like darts, so what would a set cost me?
Interest in Right Gauntlet Darts?

I would probably charge about $14.00 for a set.

Photos of the machined master will be posted later tonight.
As I said, Photos of the machined master will be posted later tonight.

The pics will be of the One Aluminum master not the resin copies
because I have yet to mold the original.

slave1pilot said:
interested, can we get some pics?
Gauntlet Darts?

Here are the pics, I can take more if anyone wants them,
but you should be able to get the idea.

I have not yet cut the part off from the main Aluminum piece,
so that's why there is a large piece on the end of the Dart.

maybe you should keep a small piece on of that size, that way you can dremmel holes in your gaunt, and attach them with glue or kit on the inside of the gauntlet... just a thought:)
I might just do that! Thanks for the suggestion

R_boba_fett said:
maybe you should keep a small piece on of that size, that way you can dremmel holes in your gaunt, and attach them with glue or kit on the inside of the gauntlet... just a thought:)
R_boba_fett said:
maybe you should keep a small piece on of that size, that way you can dremmel holes in your gaunt, and attach them with glue or kit on the inside of the gauntlet... just a thought:)

bout to say the same acts as a anchoring dowel on the other end ! Great job on the drill press ! I would LOVE to know what tools you used for this project.
I used a bunch of Files and different grades of Sandpaper, that's it.

It definitely would have been much faster to make with a Lathe
but I don't have access to one.

Got Maul said:
bout to say the same acts as a anchoring dowel on the other end ! Great job on the drill press ! I would LOVE to know what tools you used for this project.
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