Accurate Gauntlet Darts - Interest?

Gino, I can't promise anything but you won't be disapointed. You, better than anyone, know that to get a 100% accurate thing to the real one is impossible, with CNC plausible, but won't be disapointed ;)

Mojo, what's an old English thread?
Wow :eek: These are going to be... the best after the real one, maybe the same? :lol:

I hope so bruv.. I took allot of time re-creating the CAD files and working with the Machinist?
I expect the prototype this Monday, so hope to have some good news for everyone! :thumbsup:
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I'm really excited, I can't wait to see 'the most accurate' reproduction of a real Michell :thumbsup:

BFUK, why 4 now? What happened to your real one? You want to save it for display, hum? :D
This is my actual status waiting the teaser pic:

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