4 Yr. Old's Boba Fett Halloween Costume


New Hunter
My 4 1/2 year old son wanted to be Boba Fett for Halloween so I did some research on The Dented Helmet over the past few months and was able to pull off a full costume for him finishing just in time for trick or treating. It's not 100% accurate, but not bad for a first attempt and he was definitely excited with the way it turned out.

The helmet is totally scratch-built using Alan's helmet templates. Thanks Alan! I was able to print out the templates at 75% scale in order to fit my son. The only difference from Alan's turorial was that I used a toy army helmet that can be found on eBay and in some toy stores. The dome worked out great and much easier than trying to piece together pieces of the batting helmet example. The helmet may be a little big for him but he should be able to wear it a few more years.

Thanks to everyone that shares information on the site - it was invaluable for putting this costume together. Let me know what you guys think.

I wondered if someone would bust me on the jet pack. I ran out of time trying to get everything done before Halloween and didn't get that part made. Will work on that so that I can add to the costume. I also need to add the ammo belt.

No, didn't make any progress pics on the helmet. I basically followed the tutorials that have been posted on the site, substituting the toy helmet (like the one in the below pic) dome for the batters helmet that was shown in the tutorial. If you can get your hands on one of these helmets from eBay or local toy store, it works great for a kid-size Boba helmet. I printed out the Wizard of Flight templates at 75% scale on a laser printer and the scale worked perfectly to match the helmet size. You have to cut away an inch to an inch and a half from the bottom of the toy helmet as they often have a turned-out flange on them to match the look of a military helmet.

Instead of the "For Sale" sign plastic, I used 3mm Sintra and was able to shape it nicely. I think it also makes for a much more sturdy helmet. Again, Alan's templates worked very well to cut out all helmet pieces. I glued everything together using Plastic Weld(tm) and it worked really well. You have to be patient for a few minutes and hold everything tightly in place until it dries, but once hardened, it's a solid hold. For the more detailed ear pieces, I also fabricated these out of the 3mm Sintra and then filled in with bondo. I then sanded everything down to the final shape. The rangefinder stem is made of 3mm thick aluminum that I cut out on a band saw. The rangefinder eyepiece is made from pieces of sintra glued together to get the rough shape then bondoed and sanded to final shape. I'm not happy with the visor as I couldn't find a tinted one anywhere and had to resort to using a clear face shield and applying automotive tint to it. I couldn't get out all the air bubbles to make it look smooth, so this will be re-done at some point. For paint, I used Rustoleum paints that I could find at the local hardware store. Not perfectly accurate, but not bad either. I still need to add a little more battle damage and weathering on the helmet also.
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