4 slot beacon and stabilizer.......3rd run


I plan on having all of these done sometime in the third week of June.
I will make 15 sets of these.

If you want, you can send paypal now or when they are done.
Paypal addy is : tm7hoff@mchsi.com

There are still 3 sets up for grabs.

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Hey boys and girls,

I received my aluminum today and have the beacon nuts almost done. I am going to make twenty sets.

Seventeen are spoken for.

These bad dads are READY TO SHIP NOW.

Everyone who has paid already, your sets will go out on the now plan.
To all others on the list....you can Paypal to : tm7hoff@mchsi.com

PM me if you want to send payment another way.

Thanks everyone,


Here is the list as of today....

1. zanenigma..................PAID
2. Fett Seven.................PAID
3. rmschneider104...........PAID
4. SL-1190.....................PAID
5. Titanfett....................PAID
6. webchief....................PAID
7. Halo_1.......................PAID
8. Goro..........................PAID
9. FettOfficer.................PAID
10. Jaster Blaster............PAID
11. darth_schroder..........PAID
12. slavefive...................PAID
13. MOJO-FETT...............PAID
14. benkenove................PAID
15. Asok........................PAID
16. Bfett25.....................PAID
17. bunicula....................PAID
18. NOITAIDAR................PAID
19. SlackJawedYokel........PAID
20. EVO3.......................PAID
21. Indy_Solo.................PAID

I still have one set not tied down at the moment.
It is ready to ship out now :)

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